Thursday, June 18, 2009

Convo earlier when I was walking at work

This is one convo that happened today. It isn't the first time; it won't be the last time either.

*Co-worker - just someone who works at the same company. Doesn't actually mean in same department or area under same manager.

*Nicki - me, the blogger, the poster.

Co-worker - Next time you go walking, let me know.

Nicki - I just go whenever I can.

Co-worker - But let me know next time so I could walk with you.

Nicki - (thinking to myself so I won't offend him/her. If you really want to then you could have done it already.) I'll see if I remember.

Co-worker - How many often do you walk?

Nicki - twice a day.

Co-worker - How long have you been walking?

Nicki - I'm not sure. Maybe a year or so.

Co-worker - do you walk twice a day, every day?

Nicki - 99.9% of the time, yes, I do.

Co-worker - when don't you?

Nicki - when I'm in meetings, but I keep a track of when, what time, how many times I walk. But I try my best to make time for it.

Co-worker - even when it rains?

Nicki - yes

Co-worker - I want to lose ___ (fill in the blank) lbs. I see you've been walking and looking better. Next time, let me know when you go walking.

Nicki - Walking alone doesn't help you lose all the weight. You have to do more than that, such as eating healthy as well. (I know I avoided giving the answer to when I go walking again)

Co-worker - Come get me when you go walking next time.

Nicki - okay (please, I'm not)

Besides, walking is **not** the *only* workout I do. It's just that lots of people at work know me as the girl who walks outside.

You can not rely on others to help yourself. Sure, it helps if there is some motivation. However, in the end, it's all up to you. Only you.

Just because you lost the weight when you reach your goal, you can not quit. You have to continue.

Exercise is only a small amount of weight loss. Eating healthy is the biggest amount.

1 comment:

Dana Yoshimizu said...

I agree, I think that your diet plays an even bigger role than exercise.