On Saturday, I ended up going to Mall of Georgia, which I haven't done in soooo long to shop. I actually have not shopped for myself in so many years. However, I took my daughter clothes shopping. She's getting too big and needed an updated wardrobe.
Besides, she's gotten straight A's all year so she wanted to be rewarded. Plus I haven't taken her to use her free kid's lunch at several restaurants.

After shopping, I took her to Mimi's Cafe (one of the restaurants where she got a free kid's meal), which is located outside of Mall of Georgia. We were the only minority in the place. No one came to seat us right away. When we finally sat down and ordered. I got the wrong order! I got some beef sandwich and I ordered a chicken parmesan sandwich. I hate beef, urgh. Being a nice person, I just let it go. I will not go back though.
Ended up watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I am a fan of Brad Pitt. Besides his good looks, I love him as an actor and producer. However, this movie really dragged and didn't keep my interest up. The storyline itself is interesting but the slow pacing of the movie just didn't do it for me. Acting is great. Brad hardly ever disappoints me. Since it's based on a book, I'm not sure if I even want to read it. Usually if I have never read the book and really loved the movie, then I would inspire to read the book.
Sunday - just ended up going to my parent's house. Mom wanted to bbq. Dad and mom ended up making a homemade grill. Ghetto or creative?
Ended watching Running Scared since it came on HBO. Haven't seen that movie in soooo long. Still good. Paul Walker is still hot.
What impress me is the little boy who played Oleg -- Cameron Bright. He's really good. Seen him in Birth too (weird movie though)
OMG, he's a handsome guy now. He'll be in the upcoming Twilight sequel, Full Moon. Yes, this is him now :)
Will upload some pics on here soon. I haven't been taking pics like I used to. Just been lazy. Definitely will blog about my trip to FL soon!
You're into the whole Twilight thing too? All my sisters and Nyabs talk about it all day long - each of them reading a different book, LOL.
Julie - I do like Twilight but can't say I'm a fan or anything. :)
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