Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holiday Blues

I have the Holiday Blues.
While everyone loves the spirit of the holidays, for me, on the other hand, I stress myself so much during that time.

Copied and pasted from here.

For many people instead of the holidays being a time when "the days are merry and bright," they are more likely to be experiencing the blues for many different reasons.

For some people the holiday season can be a very difficult time time of year. It is a time of sadness and loneliness, a time of self-evaluation and reflecting about the past and a time of anxiety about the future year.

This year with the current state of the economy and unemployment rates, many people are likely to be feeling the blues.

This lens takes a look at the "Holiday Blues." With a bit of understanding about this common emotional state, your holidays might be a little less blues.

The Holiday Blues often present with:
•An inability to sleep or sleeping too much
•Changes in appetite that cause either weight loss or gain
•Agitation and anxiety
•Excessive or inappropriate feelings of guilt
•Diminished ability to think clearly or concentrate
•Decreased interest in activities that usually are enjoyable, such as: food, sex, work, friends, hobbies and entertainment.

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